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Unicycling: More than just a sport.
There is only one life. Do what you love.
In my case, that's unicycling. My name is Marie and I started unicycling around two decades ago. In recent years, I have started to realise how important unicycling has become for me. It's more than a sport: It's a passion. It's a community. It's a lifestyle. In this blog, I will share more about my unicycle life, unicycling as a sport and the unicycling community with you.
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"If you never try, you will never know!" -
This thought has been the start of many great experiences in my life. And unicycling has certainly been one of the best!
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This Can Only Go Well - Mike Taylor & Marie Schlenker
Scottish Muni Tour 2020
GIVE ME A LINE - Urban Unicycle Girls
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